Wednesday, January 10, 2007

BIO 103, something must be done.

This Biology class has taught me some strange things in the past 3 days that I am pretty sure I could have lived without.
For Instance, here is what my teacher said and my own thoughts...

Teacher- "we are going to be discussing Fungi in this chapter..."
My thoughts- [this probably isn't going to fun, I like mushrooms...]
"blah blah blah...mushroom sex"
[What the heck?! did she just say 'mushroom sex'???]
"yep, that's right, when you see a mushroom you're really just seeing fungi having sex"
[I knew I didn't want to talk about this stuff]
"and the color you see are just the fungi showing their..."
[ I know I don't want to hear this]
[yep...just as I thought]
"so next time you see a mushroom you may want to cover it up and say 'hey, watch it!'"

so tonight I went to dinner with the youth worship team and we ordered fried mushrooms.
David laughed and asked what I knew about mushrooms (since he knew I wasn't liking the whole biology/fungi thing). Without refrain I told everyone about the mushroom sex story.
David popped the mushroom in his mouth and while chewing spoke to the mushroom saying "hey, stop that..." and something else that was funny.

I will never look at mushrooms the same, and I know I will never eat one and not think back to this biology class.

sweet sassy-molassy.


Bekah said...

That's too funny. I must have blocked out this discussion during BIO... thank God!

Laura and John said...

whoa. that sums it up. just whoa. what do teachers think their doing teaching that sort of thing these days...huh. times have changed ; ) hehe

s. wells said...

oh biology.
i never learned that kind of stuff in biology, i had a wholesome teacher.

Anonymous said...


A. Jones

Caitlin said...

Now that I have read this....I can never look at,much less eat,another
mushroom again.