Friday, June 22, 2007


Today was amazing. I slept in for the first time in a very long time, and at first I woke up at 8:30 and could not for the life of my figure out what day it was, finally once I realized it was Friday I went back to sleep and didn't get up until 10. I probably would have slept longer except I needed to go to the bathroom and feed grandmother. anyway, I got up and had a nice convo with the First Lady in her parlor then had a rockin time with the Lord. so, dad came home later and we sat around watching Sponge Bob laughing at the randomness. after many random things we decided to go to the lake for the day with the Williams. we fed the first lady and set off to compass lake. on the drive down dad put in a tape of his of Graham Cook speaking. It was first of all an awesome message, but also dad was stopping the tape all along and we talked about whatever had just been said. As we were driving I couldn't help but just soak up the moment of riding with my dad and talking about stuff that really mattered. Kingdom stuff. it was very much a priceless moment that nothing could replace.
I guess it was even better because for the first time in probably months I left my cell phone at the house (on accident). I was not bothered by anyone around me and just had fun all day long.
J.D. pulled out some of his diving equipment and showed me how to work the stuff. it was so weird to breathe underwater. I had never done that before and I had such a hard time breathing in and out normally. I kept wanting to gasp for air even though it was right there for me.
we swam, went diving, went kayaking, and ate more food than we could hold. at one point he told me "Look! I can float with my butt up in the air! I think I probably look like a duck that is fishing" I laughed and rolled my eyes. good times.
These moments should never be looked over, and should always be soaked up. I am doing that now.


s. wells said...

i like the thought of riding with dad and discussing Kingdom stuff. or riding with you and discussing it.
i miss you both!

Anonymous said...

man, i so wish i could have been there. i need some good convo and deep discussions about things that matter..i miss you...

s. wells said...

you're cute.

Anonymous said...

I miss you.