Wednesday, February 20, 2008

words are coming out

I have been so terrible about keeping everything updated on my blog.
I still haven't figured out why I have a blog, except to take less time in updating everyone about my life. Is that the point? I always thought it was supposed to be an "online journal", but who really posts their deepest thought and wishes online? I suppose I will just allow this space to be one that I update everyone in instead of using for my own benefit, because if I were to do that, nothing would ever get posted.
So! as for an update- School has been going well in general. I have been getting more involved in my Spanish class which is a huge relief, I made an 'A' on my last quiz which was wonderful. Health and wellness is not going well on the other hand, I have made on C and one B... maybe that has something to with not ever reading my book.
RA things are going fine. I have people coming in my room at all hours wanting to talk about random thing, and I'm still getting used to that. Aside from the writing people up for smoking, kicking boys out of the dorm and having someone arrested, things are great. I am becoming for comfortable with my responsibility of enforcing the rules, and I have found that I am more compassionate and forgiving than I thought I was. I am still looking for opportunities to show Christ to people, and honestly I just don't how to do it other than just allowing people to see me on a day to day basis, and even that doesn't seem to be good enough. I want so badly to see people's lives changed, but at the same time know nothing of how to influence that. I know that I can do nothing in my own strength, yet I don't feel that the Lord is even using me here.
I have been so intrigued by the verse in Galatians the past couple of weeks that talks about keeping in step with the Spirit. " Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." I want to keep in step with the Spirit, and learning to be still, and wait is coming slowly. I guess it's a life long process, so in that case, I am learning patience.
that was all a bit long winded, as for other things. I got my hair cut, and put red streaks in it... and I cloned myself.


Anonymous said...

Suz, congratulations on figuring out how to clone yourself. That must be amazing! I've always wanted to clone myself at least thrice- so I can have some one cooking all the time, another one studying all the time, and another one just around for good kicks ; )

I'm sure you are having more of an impact on these girls lives than you think- or else they wouldn't continue coming to your room and seeking you out. Sounds like an incredible ministry opportunity- YAY God!

By the way, I really enjoy having a site where I can update myself on your lastest happenings and school progress. It's fun! And, you're right, you get to update a lot of people without having to send out individual you accomplish like five things at once. Pretty sweet.

Thanks for updating : )I love you!!

s. wells said...

great, now there's two suzannahs. what are we going to do now...

Silver Isatari said...

Yay! Two Suzannahs. Can one of them come back to Dothan? Then we could get that one to clone Sarah, David, Andi, and Laura. Then we would always have SaLADS (Suz and Laura, Andi, David, Sarah)

Yay, I see t-shirts, but who wants a cloned salad?