Monday, December 10, 2007



Anonymous said...

You have found your true calling.

A. Jones

Anonymous said...

that was awesome!

s. wells said...

you da man

s. wells said...

back in my day, all we used were mattresses. i see the youth of today have moved to more daring racing devices.

Suz Driver said...

haha, sarah, that's funny. we couldn't find a mattress that would work because they have changed them out, and the new ones are slippery. at the end we found one that worked. I have a major burn on my arm from that fall.

s. wells said...

well, glory has a price.

Anonymous said...

dang dig, you're bad!

Anonymous said...

has miss lisa seen this?

Anonymous said...

It took me this long to realize that the image was a video and not just a picture. As a safety professional I must say... How very dangerous. It falls under the category of "hey everybody... watch this"

A. Jones