Saturday, May 5, 2007


I have been thinking lately about what all I do and don't do that hinders the Holy Spirit from speaking to me. So many times I watch things that are really not bad, but at the same time, certainly are not good for me (like anything on E or random reality shows). Laura and I once had a conversation about what it must have been like for people like Abraham and Moses who didn't have the distractions like we have today. I am sure that they had their own distractions, but nothing like the media. Purity is being stripped away from people everywhere, and it is all being done in "harmless" ways.
Today I was flipping through the channels and I saw that some ghost movie was on the Family channel, it was about the same time that I was thinking about how dulled down everyone is that I saw this, so I stopped for a moment to see what it was about. it was like Casper Meets...someone. anyway, at the moment I turned it on, somehow the ghost found out that this little girl is a witch (that in itself was crazy), and the ghost says to her "you're a witch?" (and he says that in a shaky voice) and she replies "of course I am silly, what do you expect?". at that point I changed the channel. but that was exactly what I was thinking about, little kids are watching this stuff and by watching this cute computer animated ghost tv thing they get in their minds that witches are ok. Along with the dulled down society, people have become suck ups. Jason Upton once said (when he was talking about people standing up for what they believe) "All we need is another generation of butt kissers". I couldn't agree with him more. people need to get real. At what point will people in the Church final say its enough and pull the plug to the crap in their lives?
I had a conversation with this guy in my biology class a few weeks ago, and he was telling me about why he didn't like Christians. he was saying that they're just like everybody else. I agreed with him. He also said that they're more judgmental than anyone else. again, I agreed with the statement. sadly, all that he said was true. What is it about us that will set us apart from those living according to the world? I was so saddened when I talked to this guy to find that he felt that way about Christians. that just shouldn't be!
I felt convicted for the times I haven't stood up for what I believed (and I have had plenty of opportunities). I had a major realization that I don't want to be the person who becomes so clogged with junk around me that I no longer am a pure vessel for the Lord to work in, nor do I ever want to add to the numbers of "Christians" who do not live according to the Word, and being like Christ.

I believe it is time for a change.


Anonymous said...

Very well said! Thanks for your thoughts ; ) I love you.

Anonymous said...


Caitlin said...

Speak the Truth and shame the devil!! When you were talking about how Christians should be different,is what I spoke on in Chapel.

Anonymous said...

An interesting and complicated post... I see myself at your age. First and foremost; if you feel you shouldn't do/watch/say/experience something... don't. I have found it is productive for me to consider, and take action on, what is good and proper for me to engage in within my own life, however, it is sometimes less productive when I place my standards on other Christians.

Some things that are crap in my life are fine in other Christian's lives. Things that are crap in their lives may be fine for me. Some things that were crap in my life 30 years ago... are fine now (does crap improve with age like a fine wine?) I have found out through experience, thank goodness, that God using me is not dependent upon my own cleanliness or upon my impression of my own cleanliness. Looking back I see many times when I thought I was so clean and pure (I was not) and God still used me. There were also times when I knew I was not clean and pure... same thing, God used me. There were also times when I was in pretty good shape and... God used me. I'm not sure if God always sees us as clean and pure because of what Jesus did on the cross, but, I am sure God has used me equally whether I'm at my best or worst.

I would not be too concerned about your friend's accurate observations regarding Christians. It is God who will draw this young man to Himself. Just as He has drawn us.

I am not saying it does not matter how you live... it does. Do those things you believe bring you closer to God. It will yield a much happier life on this earth as you move toward your final destination. However, don't beat yourself up too badly when you find you are living/covered in crap. It may be that God has thrown that crap your way to teach you, or someone else, something. God is not dependent upon your condition in order to work in your life or in order to use you on this earth (Great News.)

Having said all this, I know it is a lot, I am excited about your journey and the thoughts in which you are engaged. I guess there are no short cuts. You get to live your life and find your way as you go. Be flexible and remember:

First and foremost; if you feel you shoudn't do/watch/say/experience something... don't.

However, if God changes you down the road and you feel you now can do/watch/say/experience something... do it.

God's amazing grace goes far beyond anything we can imagine. He is never dependent upon us, however, we are absolutely, totally, and forever dependent upon His grace and mercy.

Al Jones

on to june said...

much more dangerous than tv programs, secular music, etc are the niches of complacency that snag christians from within the church subculture. i think christians are usually at their worst when they manage to forsake tv, quit using cuss-words, listen to a strict diet of ccm, tithe 10%, and become convinced that they are doing fine. when your friend expressed digust over how christians are like everybody else, he probably was observing how involved christians are with surface issues, all the while overlooking the truly important things. we don't look like the world because we watch the same tv programs or listen to the same music, we look like the world because we drive nice cars, try to force everyone to do our bidding, disregard suffering, and paint ourselves into the corners of opulent comfort zones. churches look alot like infomercials these days, and that's the worst kind of tv. if we really want to make a difference, we should sell all the crap we're not using and give the money to the poor. we should not condemn people. we should love. love is the truly important thing.

Anonymous said...

I have to totally agree with John, in that, love is the big thing. For me and where I am in my journey, just letting God(through me) really love and accept someone for who they are, and not for what they do or don't believe,has been the key. It tears down a lot of walls. Again,like Al, I've been in this relationship for over thirty years and that could make a difference in my perspective.

Deb J.

on to june said...

hey, speaking of hearing from the Spirit, i have a really good CD of a speaking engagement that Graham Cooke did. remind me to dig that up for you.