Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Moving on.

I am taking the plunge and trying something new.
actually I was just tired of receiving porn crap from the myspace people.
but I think this is a good idea either way.
since I have nothing interesting to say now, here is a post from the myspace days.

The color of feeling:

PINK: a new day, breathe.
WHITE: I stare with longing. some would call it obsession, but I choose hope. (where is the line between the two?)
RED: I have a promise. and it is one to be kept.
GREEN: peace and trust
BLUE: I am weak
YELLOW: life
PURPLE: deep confusion
BROWN: A change of seasons
ORANGE: I am alive

REFLECTIONS: A distorted view of who I am
SWINGS: I choose to trust you in everything.
DOORS: Be ready for new things.

I hide myself in shame
He calls my name
I fall into the arms of the Everlasting

You are lightening, You are love
You are Holy, You're enough
enough for me.


" suzannah, what's your problem?!".
that is the most dreaded question. I hate it. "I don't have a problem!"
no. my problem is you.
I wish I could blow it off.
intense? yes a little. yes. alot.
but I still like the way you are.
it is you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Moving On,
The Le Arnolds site is connected somehow to Brandi's site. I think you simply misplaced our site address. Love you! Look forward to your post : ) L-

s. wells said...

"i still like the way you are. it is you."

i really like that line

i really like that you're in the blog world now.

you're amazing.

Anonymous said...

I know everything! I know where you sleep, who your mother is, where you blog....actually, when you posted on Sarah's wall under your name I was able to just click on your name and it took me to your site. Yep. I love you!! Thanks : ) Can't wait to see you!!!! Applebee's...here we come!