20 minutes into the first section of writing I started getting really light headed. I stood up knowing I was about to throw up. I told the head guy that I had to go to the bathroom THEN and not sign out or whatever. he walks with me down the hall and half way there I slightly black out and fall to the floor and begin throwing up everywhere. He picked me up by my arms and helped me get to the bathroom. I am sure I am not the fist person to throw up during the test (I was warned about people throwing up online), but I still felt terrible for doing it!
I continued on with the test feeling like crap and thinking any minute I was going to blow again.
I drove back to montevallo, thinking the whole way back that I wasn't going to make it. I did though. I went directly to the nurse where I had to wait over an hour for her. I was so miserable!! when I finally got in to see her she took my temperature and it was 101.4 she was very worried because she couldn't find the source of it. I was trying with everything not to cry. It is the worst thing to be sick without family. or Joe.
She made me pee in a cup. and sent me to another doctor.
I called catherine as soon as I got to my room and she came right over with drink and made me drink it. She is a good friend.
She drove me to the doctor where we waited for an hour again. It was as hot as hades in there too. I finally went back to the doctor and laid on the bed thing crying, waiting for him to come. He came in eventually, and I wiped my face alot. He is a young doctor, but very nice.
They made me pee in a cup again, and then they stuck a needle in my arm. I sat in the chair waiting for the lady to stick me and I was just crying my eyes out.
It made me realize how much I love mom being in the doctors room with me. Usually she makes me laugh and not feel uncomfortable. I laid on the bed thing again and just cried, waiting for the doctor. I told myself jokes some and laughed.
The doctor finally came back and told me I probably had an infection of some kind. he gave me some meds and talked with mom.
Catherine waiting patiently in the hot box for me to get out of the doctor. it was 3 hours total. So, everyone should give catherine a hug when you see her. She is being my family while people aren't here. I miss home a lot. I miss my sisters, and I really really miss joe!!!!!!
I am feeling much better now. my body is not hurting as bad, and my temperature has gone down from 103 to 99, and I've got to take it again.
I will be ok tomorrow I am sure. I am just taking it easy. I have peer review tomorrow for my class, so I am going. but I am laying down the rest of the time.
I miss home. I miss Joe. Period.
Oh, NO!!!
I hope you feel better tomorrow! It pains me not to be with you while you are so sick. I love you!
oh i almost cried!! and then joe left a sweet comment!
i'm so sorry you're sick suzy q- i hope you get some rest. i will hug catherine next time i see her- she's a good friend.
Kudos to Catherine, love. It's amazing how beautiful normalcy feels after events like this. Good luck with your peer review. We send our love.
Oh. Mom...yes, she can make any doctors visit fun. I remember sitting in her lap when I was 18 to get shots...she held me close and made me laugh. I remember getting checked for my allergies another time and she was playing with the doctors equipment when he wasn't in the room (such as messing with the light that looks in the ears). That was pretty hilarious. Maybe she should be a doctor.
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