Monday, April 13, 2009

what the.....

I am a very dilligent student. I have a 4.0, I don't just skip class for fun.

I am always 20 minutes early to my digital media class. always. I open the room for other people because they don't know the code, and my teacher is always 5 minutes late. 

Today we got grade sheets back. I have made A's on all of my projects, but at the bottom of my grade sheet my teacher wrote "I am concerned with your attendance. please make an effort to not miss any additional classes. Thanks."

Say what?!

I miss wednesday because I went to take the GRE (which he knew) and I miss Friday due to extreme nausea. 2 days.

my teachers a doof.


Sarah W K said...

poop head.

Laura said...

Wow. Teachers are amazing...sometimes not in a good way.

the wonderful wells said...

and you know what I have to say...go face to face and ask ever so kindly.."WHAT THE HECK, DEAR TEACHER, WHAT THE HECK???"