Tuesday, September 23, 2008

homeward bound

Does anyone remember that movie? That was such a depressing movie! it should be banned for children.

on a different note- I myself will be heading home in a few days and I can't wait! I have been gaining excitement the more I think about all of the girls in the same house for a while.


p.s- I will have some homework to do.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I hated that movie!! It should be banned!! FOREVER!

Good- about the homework. I have 142 pages to read for one class, 100 pages to read for another, and about twenty pages to write...Yea. I have a lot to do before Monday!!! But I can't wait to get home and party with my ladys. That is going to be waaaay too much fun under one roof.


s. wells said...

homeward bound? that has the dog and the cat and the big dog in it? that was a good movie. it was intense and stressful for kids, but it was fun.

looks like we'll be having one big study session :) i can just see all of us on our computers and mom twittering in between all of us "i'm just so glad all my girls are home!"