Monday, May 26, 2008


1. 42 days (7 weeks or 6 weekends) until I leave for Mérida México.
2. I bought my first pair of Chacos and am now the proud owner of 4 leather bound journals.
3. I hate working at the Limited. period.
4. I have another shoot lined up (for free as a gift), it will be good for practice.
5. All of my family will be in the same place at once this weekend and I am so extremely excited.
6. the chili mom made is burning my mouth right now, but it is so tasty.
7. I haven't talked to Al Jones in a long time. that needs to change.
8. I also bought my last book for summer classes.
9. I haven't written one page for my class. yikes.
10. or something (joe)


s. wells said...

we're going to party!!!

Anonymous said...

mexico = mexino...or something