Tuesday, April 29, 2008


After much thought I have decided that I would like a turtle to accompany me back to school next semester. Catherine and I have talked a lot about getting a fish and sharing it. As we have had those conversations in the past I had terrible flashbacks to when summer and I would catch little tadpole things down at the pond and be so excited, only to find them all dead the next morning. As I grew older and much wiser I upgraded to buying goldfish. And again I would find myself sorely disappointed when I would walk in the bathroom in the morning and find my sweet little friend floating belly side up. I remember the stench they would put out when I failed to clean the tank for a while. So, that is why I have abandoned the fish idea. I am getting a turtle.
As of right now, I am neglecting to study art history or health and wellness in order to search for where to get a turtle and how to take care of it.


Anonymous said...

You are toooo funny! Have you thought of any names yet?

s. wells said...

your extensive research sounds like time well spent and i hope it yields good results.

Anonymous said...

suz! i was just looking at pets-mart to buy a new fish! i kept remembering our fish bowl in the bathroom and how i never wanted to look at it because i was always afraid of seeing another dead fish. now i've decided to move on in life and get over my fear! so when i get home from Japan i'm buying another fish. looks like we've both learned something from our fish(es) when we were young.