Monday, February 25, 2008


I am having the hardest time concentrating today, maybe it is the lack of sleep, maybe it is the amount of sugar in my body, maybe a combination of both.
I was on duty this past weekend, but it was the best on duty ever. Andi came up from Troy, and Joe came up from Luverne. We basically spent Saturday running around in the freezing cold, eating ungodly amounts of cookies (I think I had 11), going to wal-mart to many times, and playing tons of rounds of Truco...also known by Catherine as "Trio".

so with the wonderful weekend behind me I am left with hilarious memories and a stomach full of sweets.

As for today, I have been very productive, already I have gone to class, both of my closets, cleaned out my fridge, cleaned out from under my sink, washed dishes left over from the weekend, spent time with the Lord, and napped...and it's only 4:10! oh, and I had an awesome conversation with dad about "how fast is slow enough" or maybe it was something on "daurting / quating" haha, either way, it was fun and relieving to talk with him. and even now I am still looking forward to a visit with Miles and a conversation with Joe later... and probably Catherine coming in my room for a few hours, as it happens every night.

I haven't done any homework yet though. Miles will be here in about 20, I guess I'm going to fill my time with "Chips adventure" (I know you're jealous that I have that game and you don't laura. maybe some day)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, no- the contraire! John and I found the game a night or two after you first re-introduced it to me and in ONE (1) night we made it to level 26 or something crazy like that ; ) I guess it pays having been addicted to it when you were younger. haha- love you!